Tuesday 4 November 2008

The Dark Knight And Chiquitos

Today I went to see The Dark Knight for the THIRD time and it was just as fantastic!
I booked the screening today because it was meant to be subtitled, but when the film started.. no subtitles.
Daniel went to see why there was no subtitles, but they just said it was screen 8 that was the subtitle screen, not screen 9 and that the internet was wrong.
But even without the subtitles, I caught most of it, and its such a good film anyway. And with the eye candy.. I didnt mind just watching :) lol.
Isn't Christian Bale a bit of alright though? More than a bit anyway!
I dont think this film is ever going to get old with me, its just so brilliant.

When we came out of the cinema, it was quite foggy and dark. It was quite pretty, not for walking around in, but pretty all the same. Then we went to Chiquitos to get some tea. I've never been in there before, but it was really nice. The lighting was quite dim and romantic. Although Daniel probably didn't see it that way, as nothing has changed. Unfortunately.

I wasn't so good on the healthy eating today, as I had a burger and some fries at Chiquitos, the rest of the food was Mexican, and I've never tried that, or wanted to.
But, theres always tomorrow to get back on track.
I've been listening to the Paul Mckenna CD in bed, and its quite relaxing at the beginning. I think its doing some good as I've started to leave food on my plate, and I dont usually do that. I feel especially bad doing it if I'm eating out and have had to pay more money for it. Tight I know..

Have made a couple of cards tonight, a christmas card, a mothers day card, and a card thats just a thinking of you card. I'll upload them tomorrow, when I'm more awake.

Anyway, I'm going to head off to bed soon and dream about Batman saving me or something ;) lol


1 comment:

Jane said...

Glad you enjoyed the film, again! lol
