Friday, 7 November 2008

My most recent obsession..

So last night I was browsing craft sites, and decided to look at dressmaking and things of that sort. And today, I went out and walked past a sewing machine shop..

Which wasn't a great idea lol.

I now have a lovely brand spanking new sewing machine sat on its box in the living room, with no place for it to go. I suppose it could sit under the desk, if it can fit through the gap.

But, I've had a play with it, and made my first thing.. a reversible tote bag :)

Its not perfect, but its okay I guess. Daniel said its not bad for a first attempt, so thats good I guess.

I'll have to look up more things that I can make, to make the sewing machine worth buying.

Its another thing I could make for christmas presents I guess. I'm trying to think of more things I can make for people for christmas, as I dont really have money to buy presents this year. I say after just getting a sewing machine.. I should have got presents instead, but I'm selfish.

Anyway, hopefully will be able to make something really interesting one day.


1 comment:

Jane said...

Great bag Hannah. I think making christmas presents is a great idea and everyone appreicates a handmade pressie.
