Saturday, 22 November 2008

Lovely ratties x

Just some pictures of our lovely Scrat and Logan (Logan is the dark one) that I wanted to add to my blog.
How cute are they?!
Scrat is becoming more confident now, or at least has been today. He came out onto Daniels knee and crawled into his hoody pouch and stuff. It was really cute to watch.

We had some snow today, it looked so so pretty. I had snow in my hair, and it was just really cool.
I wonder if we will have some more tomorrow. If it settles, I'll try and take some nice pictures, before it gets walked in and ruined.

Not much of a blog entry, but I'll try and post more.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Hi Hannah,

Scrat and Logan do look cute!

No snow here, just rain, and cold.
